The 4 Elements of an Empowering Workplace Culture That Will Increase Employee Engagement

An empowering workplace culture is one that provides employees with a sense of belonging. It is a culture in which employees feel valued, respected, and appreciated.

When organizations partner their mission, vision, strategies, and purpose with empowering culture, they create an environment that attracts high performing employees and lasting development of success. 

Having clarity on the elements of culture is critical when designing exactly what an empowering culture looks like for your organization. While culture will vary based on specific purpose, strategies, product, or location- the overarching existence of empowering culture is based on fundamental human behavior needs and desires. 

These needs and desires become the foundation of a culture of health for any community or organization. Focus on these four elements then creatively weave the influential aspects of your organizations existence into the fabric of this foundation and you will create a culture that thrives, empowers, and offers opportunities for success. 

Let’s take a look at the four elements of an empowering workplace culture:

A sense of belonging: 

Employees feel like they belong within the organization and are a part of something bigger than themselves. They feel connected to other people in the organization and have an opportunity to contribute their unique knowledge and skills.

This sense of belonging allows each individual to feel like they have a voice at the table. They share openly their ideas, opinions, concerns, dreams, and passions. Leaders function from a perspective of permission rather than oppression. 

Conversation regarding greater purpose and connection is often heard within a culture of empowerment. Each employee has distinct clarity on why they are a part of this organization and how they can fulfill their role to the greatest extent possible. 

A feeling of being valued: 

Employees feel like they are valued for their contribution to the organization. They know that their work has meaning and it isn’t just about making money for someone else - it’s about making money for themselves as well. 

Each employee feels as if each task is critical to the success of the team. Regardless of how small or large a project may be, employees face each project with tenacity, positivity, and passion.

A feeling of being respected

Employees at your organization will be motivated by knowing that they are respected as individuals who deserve dignity and respect at all times, regardless of what they do or don’t do at work or outside of work. 

A related element of respect is autonomy. Employees understand their lives are their own and feel not only respected in this perception, but empowered to carry their autonomy and individualism with them in the workplace. 

A culture of respect honors and highlights the differences each person carries with them. 

A feeling of appreciation

Employees know the importance of a work-life balance and are encouraged to take positive steps towards reaching it.

Appreciation is shown by celebrating accomplishments, showing compassion during challenges, and creating opportunities for developing unity among the team. Appreciation is intentional within an empowered culture. 

Leaders are the example of appreciation by being present, taking an active role in connecting with the team, and allowing others to take the lead when moments allow. 

Taking intentional action on developing each of these four elements of an empowered culture will set any organization up for great success. A foundation of empowerment and community meets the needs of basic human desire and calls forth the greatness that resides in each person on the team. 


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